Intuitive Rx Massage
Andrea Coletti MA 78886

What can I expect?

Client Conduct

Client conduct during a massage session is of paramount importance to ensure a safe and respectful environment for both the client and the therapist. We uphold the highest standards of professionalism and mutual respect. Any form of sexual misconduct, inappropriate behavior, or advances will not be tolerated and will result in the immediate termination of the treatment session. We are committed to creating a therapeutic space where clients can relax, heal, and rejuvenate in a secure and tranquil atmosphere. Your cooperation in maintaining proper conduct is appreciated, and it allows us to provide the best possible care for all of our clients. Thank you for your understanding and adherence to these guidelines.

Benefits Of Massage

Medical massage offers numerous benefits, making it a valuable addition to your self-care routine. First and foremost, it can provide effective relief from a variety of physical ailments. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain, muscle tension, or specific conditions like TMJ or sciatica, medical massage techniques such as neuromuscular therapy and myofascial release can target the root causes of discomfort. By addressing these issues, medical massage not only alleviates pain but also promotes improved range of motion and enhanced mobility, allowing you to enjoy a fuller and more active life.

Furthermore, integrating massage into your self-care regimen offers substantial mental and emotional benefits. It provides a sanctuary of relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety levels. The soothing touch and therapeutic environment encourage the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood enhancers, fostering a sense of calm and well-being. This reduction in stress not only improves mental clarity and focus but also bolsters your overall resilience to life's challenges. By making massage a regular part of your self-care routine, you invest in your physical and mental health, ultimately enhancing your quality of life and helping you better manage the demands of daily living.

In Home/Office Massage

An outcall massage, whether at your home or office, offers the convenience of receiving a massage in a familiar and comfortable environment. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience, here's what you can expect:

Scheduling and Arrival:

  • You will schedule a specific appointment time with your massage therapist.
  • The therapist will arrive punctually with all necessary equipment, including a portable massage table, linens, oils or lotions, and any additional accessories.

Setting Up the Space:

  • Ensure there is enough room for the massage table to be set up comfortably. Clear an area that's approximately 6-8 feet by 8-10 feet to accommodate both the table and the therapist's movements.
  • The therapist will bring a sheet or draping to maintain your privacy and will instruct you on how to disrobe to your comfort level before getting on the table.


  • Before the massage begins, the therapist will discuss your specific needs, any health concerns, allergies (including skin or scent allergies), and areas of focus or discomfort.
  • It's essential to communicate any allergies or sensitivities to scents or oils to ensure the therapist uses suitable products.

The Massage:

  • The therapist will create a serene atmosphere by adjusting lighting and playing calming music.
  • You'll be asked to lie on the massage table under the draping, and the therapist will begin the session using appropriate techniques tailored to your needs and preferences.
  • Throughout the massage, the therapist will check in with you regarding pressure and comfort. Feel free to provide feedback to ensure you're getting the experience you desire.


  • After the massage is complete, the therapist will give you privacy to redress.
  • Take your time getting up and moving around as you may feel relaxed and a bit disoriented immediately after the session.
  • The therapist will pack up their equipment, and you can discuss any aftercare recommendations or future appointments.